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Shotgun Breaching Instructor – TTPOA Conference

Shotgun Breaching Instructor – REGISTER AT TTPOA.ORG

Instructor: Brian Mackey

Credit Hours: 16

Day(s): Sat thru Sun

Time: 0800 to 1700

Course Details

Special Operations Systems LLC will be presenting a two day Shotgun Breaching Instructor Course. This course will provide the student-instructor with the most up to date information regarding breaching common doors with a shotgun. Student-instructors will be provided with a training methodology to safely teach these techniques in a one-day shotgun breaching class for their agency.
Exterior doors
Interior doors
Breaching shotgun variations
Tactical employment as part of a team
No breach / alternate breach point procedures
Defeating barricades and fortifications
Course Design
Instructional Methodologies

Instructor Biography

Special Operations Systems (https://specopsystems.com) is a provider of world class training and consulting solutions for law enforcement, military, and private security organizations. Instructor Brian Mackey was a SEAL Operator for 12+ years. Veteran of Operation Iraqi and Enduring Freedom conducted multiple deployments conducting operations including Protective Services, capture kill operations, hostage rescue, reconnaissance, mobility operations and more around the world as a Sniper, Communications expert, HUMINT operative, lead breacher, and dog handler. Latest deployment was to Afghanistan in 2011. As a Master Training Specialist trained and certified over 700 students in Helicopter Fastrope and rappel, Level I Advanced Special Operator, Combat Diving, Close Quarter Combat, and Human Performance training. Member of four commands: SEAL Team 10, 7, Naval Special Warfare Center, and Development Group.


Active law enforcement or military personnel only.

Required Equipment

All common patrol or tactical equipment
Vest, helmet, elbow and knee pads
Eye and ear protection
Full-fingered gloves
Long-sleeved shirts for each day of class
Pistol / rifle or both
12-gauge shotgun
Weapons Slings
15 #8 birdshot rounds, Additional Shotgun breaching rounds provided by Royal Arms Int’l

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