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Intro to Handguns / Texas Concealed Handgun License Course – CHL Dallas / Fort Worth

Part 1 – Intro to Handguns

This course is intended for students who desire to get their CHL but have not had any formal handgun training.   Our Intro to Handguns course runs from 9:00AM to 12:00PM and introduces the student to the following learning objectives:

  • Firearms Safety
  • Safe Storage and Transport
  • Safe Handling of the handgun to include loading and unloading
  • Basic Handgun Marksmanship
  • Introduction to concealed carry.

Students will have the opportunity to manipulate and fire a handgun under the supervision of a qualified firearms instructor prior to attending the Concealed Handgun course.  This course is designed to boost the knowledge and confidence level of the student prior to taking the Texas CHL Certification Course.

Immediately following the student will attend the Texas CHL Course.

Part 2 – Texas Concealed Handgun Licensing – Certification Course

Effective September 1, 2013, the Texas Concealed Handgun License Class is a Four Hour Class, not including RANGE TIME. Our class will be approximately Five hours with range time.

Obtain a Texas Concealed Handgun License, upon successful completion of the class and submission of the application materials, the state will issue you a license as soon as 60 days, assuming there is no legal disqualification.

Our CHL class package includes the following:

  • Training by a DPS certified instructor
  • Qualify on site on our professional law enforcement range
  • Application Preparation Assistance
  • Handgun (if none available by student) for use during range qualification
  • Safety glasses, target, and hearing protection for use during range qualification

Note: In accordance with the State of Texas as of March 1, 2011, all fingerprints must now be done electronically through an L1 finger printing location. We will also be referring students to L1 for their passport photos.

Subjects Covered:

  • Concealed carry law
  • Where you can carry and where you cannot
  • When you can use force or deadly force
  • Legal implications of use of force or deadly force
  • Texas weapons laws
  • Nonviolent dispute resolution
  • Firearms safety

If you have further questions, please email admin@specopsystems.com or check out the Department of Public Safety’s website at http://www.txdps.state.tx.us/administration/crime_records/chl/chlsindex.htm.

Required Equipment:

Students will be provided with eye and ear protection, a handgun, 3 magazines, a holster and magazine pouch, and approximately 150 rounds of ammunition.  It is no longer required to have your application packet before you begin class. If you do not have your Application Packet, we have them available.  If you chose to bring your own handgun you will need 150 rounds total of handgun ammunition to conduct the course and the CHL qualification.


US Citizenship and a clear criminal history.

Cost: $150.00 (8 hours)

Location:  Our classroom and range facility is conveniently located south of the Dallas / Fort Worth metroplex.  Located in Johnson County, close to Burleson and Alvarado area hotels and eating establishments, make it a prime location for extended / advanced firearms training.


Bookings are closed for this event.

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