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Hotel, Motel, and Bus Interdiction Operations

This course focuses on hotel/motel and bus interdiction and provides an update on legal and constitutional issues related to each interdiction technique. Students will identify each of the seven exceptions to the search warrant rule with emphasis upon stop & frisk, search incident to arrest, probable cause, plain view, plain feel, inventory, and consent. The class will express a working knowledge of the hotel / motel and bus industry.

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
List reasons why buses are used by the criminal element to ship narcotics and currency.
List and identify some of the patron saints of the “drug underworld” and their impact on narcotics enforcement.
Identify the test used by the courts to justify the length of an investigative detention.
Identify how trash searches of abandoned property can be used.
Identify how a post-eviction search of a hotel room can be an effective tool.
Identify the method(s) for using a canine to sniff luggage that comply with Fourth Amendment standards.
Discuss theories on how to start a hotel and motel interdiction unit.
Express four steps on how to conduct an investigation related to hotel/motel interdiction.
Identify indicators of narcotic activities that can be used by hotel/motel employees to determine if an individual may be engaged in suspicious activity related to drug trafficking behavior.
List the techniques to establish a working relationship with bus drivers.
Identify indicators that can be used by law enforcement personnel to determine if luggage or parcels may contain narcotics.

Prerequisites: Must be law enforcement officers or narcotics enforcement agents.

Course Length: 3 days/24 hours

Who May Attend: Current Law Enforcement

To host this course at your agency contact: admin@specopsystems.com

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